I did the trial class and it was really fun! It works the whole body and it fits well into a schedule since you can come at any time during opening hours :)
Athéna Tsarafodiana-Bugeaud

Montreal - Villeray

30 Minute Hit - Montreal - Villeray fitness kickboxing - Jiayang Zhang

Bonjour aux futurs membres du 30 Minute Hit Montreal-Villeray. 30 Minute Hit est un entraînement de haute intensité basé sur la boxe, kickboxing et auto défense pour tous les âges et offert seulement aux femmes. Tous les niveaux sont les bienvenus. Nous nous engageons à vous fournir un entrainement des plus stimulant et excitant! À bientôt!

Hello future hitters, welcome to 30 Minute Hit Montreal-Villeray. 30 Minute Hit offers a high intensity interval training using aspects of boxing, kickboxing and self-defense, open to women only of all ages and fitness levels. We promise to provide you with the most rewarding workout possible each and every time you train. See you soon!

Jiayang Zhang

30 Minute Hit - Montreal - Villeray fitness kickboxing

30 Minute Hit Montreal - Villeray

7472 Rue St-Hubert
Montreal, Quebec, H2R 2N3


Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi matin
8h30 - 12h30
Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings
8:30am - 12:30pm

Lundi au jeudi soir
16h00 - 20h00
Monday through Thursday evenings

Samedi matin
8h30 - 12h30
Saturday mornings
8:30am - 12:30pm