After almost 3 years without training, I signed up for 30 min/hit and I love the concept! 30 minutes pass quickly and the atmosphere is great, all the girls encourage each other and everyone trains according to their level, from beginner to more advanced. I love it and recommend!
Marie Desjardins
Jan 2, 2025

Greenfield Park

30 Minute Hit - Greenfield Park fitness kickboxing - Jade & Chris Keays

Salut les filles! Êtes-vous prêtes d’être dans la meilleure forme physique de votre vie? Alors entrez ici et commencez à frapper! En prenant 30 minutes de votre temps “à vous” dans votre journée, vous allez frapper de vos poings et pieds vers une meilleure “moi”! On a hâte de vous recevoir et de vous rencontrer.

Are you ready to be in the best shape of your life? Then get in here and start HITting! By taking 30 minutes of “me time” from your day you will punch and kick your way to a better you! Can’t wait to meet you!

Jade & Chris Keays

30 Minute Hit - Greenfield Park fitness kickboxing

30 Minute Hit Greenfield Park

9 Rue Morley
Greenfield Park, Quebec, J4V 2Y8


Lundi, Mercredi et Vendredi matin
8h30 - 13h00
Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings
8:30am - 1:00pm

Lundi au Jeudi en soirée
15h30 - 20h00
Monday to Thursday evening
3:30pm - 8:00pm

Samedi matin
8h30 - 12h30
Saturday mornings
8:30am - 12:30pm

Dimanche matin
8:30am - 12:30
Sunday morning
8:30am - 12:30pm
Membership options starting at $99 per month.