Bad day at work? Man in your life annoying you? Kids driving you mad? Come to 30minutehit and take it out on 'Bob', get a great workout, a boost to your confidence, and a laugh with a group of like-minded girls! Nobody cares what you look like, how fit you are, how old you are, they only care that you are taking a step towards a better you, one punch at a time!
Sarah Massot

Sainte - Therese

30 Minute Hit - Sainte - Therese fitness kickboxing - Marilyne Rioux and Isabelle Gouin

Bonjour mesdames! Chez 30 Minute Hit, nous savons que la femme d'aujourd'hui est très occupée! Il peut parfois être difficile de concilier le travail, la famille et bien plus. On sait que prendre soin de nous est important, mais souvent le temps nous manque.

C'est pourquoi nous sommes ici! Le 30 Minute Hit est un entrainement de boxe, kickboxing et auto défense intense, efficace et rapide qui vous garde motivée, en forme et vous permet de vous dépasser. Peu importe l’âge, la forme physique ou l’expérience, toutes sont les bienvenues et chacune verra un résultat concret! En prenant un petit 30 minutes de votre journée, vous vous offrez une meilleure santé physique et mentale. Le tout soutenu par une communauté chaleureuse et unie!

Accordez-vous ces 30 minutes de votre journée et venez découvrir gratuitement notre programme ! Vous le méritez :)

Dear ladies! At 30 Minute Hit, we understand that today's women are incredibly busy, juggling various responsibilities like work, family, and more. We recognize that prioritizing self-care is crucial, even though finding time can be challenging.

That's where we come in! The 30 Minute Hit offers a dynamic, efficient, high-energy workout encompassing boxing, kickboxing, and self-defense. It's designed to keep you motivated, in great shape, and continually challenging yourself. With just 30 minutes dedicated to your day, you can gift yourself improved physical and mental well-being, all within a supportive and united community!

Take 30 minutes out of your day and come experience our program for free! You deserve it :)

Marilyne Rioux and Isabelle Gouin

30 Minute Hit - Sainte - Therese fitness kickboxing

30 Minute Hit Sainte - Therese

234 Bd du Cure-Labelle #5
Sainte - Therese, Quebec, J7E 2X7


Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi matins
8h30 - 13h00pm
Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings
8:30am - 1:00pm

Lundi au jeudi soir
15h30 -19h30
Monday through Thursday evenings
3:30pm - 7:30pm

Samedi matin
8h30 - 13h00
Saturday mornings
8:30am - 1:00pm